Partners or external stakeholders who have complaints regarding statements, publications or activities of the NHC can send these, including their name and address, in written form to office@nhc.nl, where it will be reviewed by the Office Manager and Executive Director. The sender will receive a reply within 4 weeks. If the complaint is related to the Executive Director the complaint will be handled by the chair of the Supervisory Board of the NHC. The NHC does not take responsibility for personal actions or statements by its staff, the Supervisory Board, or members of the committee. The NHC has a special regulation in case of objection, dispute, and appeal regarding employees of the NHC and their work situation or labour relationship.
Whistle-blower policy
The NHC has contracted the services of an an external whistleblowing organisation as part of our whistle blowing policy, SeeHearSpeakUp. SeeHearSpeakUp is a unique external and independent global whistleblowing service which allows employees to report matters without fear, bringing areas of concern in the workplace to the attention of their employer in a secure and confidential manner. The SeeHearSpeakUp service encourages employees to report issues that are of concern to them and the information can be of great benefits to the employer organisation by providing an early warning of instances such as malpractice, misconduct, health and safety breaches, fraud and many other forms of wrongdoing. Additionally, SeeHearSpeakUp is an independent reporting service that that will act impartially to any concern that you raise that violates your organisations policies and codes of conduct. Employees can choose to supply SeeHearSpeakUp with their contact details or can choose to remain anonymous.