
Judicial authorities in Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina focus on victims of human trafficking

14 August 2013

Judges, prosecutors and judicial academies in Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina will be supported by the Netherlands Helsinki Committee to make sure the rights of victims of human trafficking are guaranteed during judicial procedures.

Even though legislation on trafficking is largely in place in these countries, in practice the safety and protection of privacy of victims and witnesses is far from guaranteed. Therefore the NHC started the project ‘Promoting a victim-centered approach in trafficking cases in Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina’ in June 2013. This project will add to the capacity enhancement of the judiciary, prosecution service and judicial academies of these countries to fully comply with EU standards.

Training and curricula

NHC cooperates with Dutch experts and local counterparts to conduct research on existing legislation and implementation. The outcome will feed directly into a training program for judges and prosecutors. A select group of the participants will be trained to transfer their expertise in applying a victim centered approach in trafficking cases to their colleagues.

Through the cooperation with judicial academies the inclusion of trafficking and a victim-centered approach in the curricula for judges and prosecutors will be promoted. In order to ensure the sustainability of this project, a monitoring system of court cases will be developed and implemented.


The project started in June 2013 and will last three years. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs finances the project under the Matra/CoPROL program, aimed at strengthening the rule of law in (potential) candidate countries that wish to join the European Union. The project is part of the NHC’s efforts to strengthen the rule of law and improve human rights in Europe and Central Asia.