
Applications Now Open for “Human Rights & Minorities” Matra RoLT Training in the Netherlands

18 December 2017

The NHC is now accepting applications for the Matra Rule of Law Training Programme “Human Rights & Minorities”, to be held 11 – 20 April 2018. The deadline for submitting applications is February the 11th 2018.

For whom is this training intended?
The training on Human Rights & Minorities is intended for persons holding senior positions in State Bodies that are working on monitoring and improving the implementation of internationally agreed human rights standards. They can be affiliated to independent institutions (such as National Human Rights Institutes, Ombudsman bodies) or government ministries such as the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Interior or the ministry in charge of promoting social equality.

What is the Matra Rule of Law Training Programme?
The Matra Rule of Law Training Programme is designed to strengthen institutional capacity in the field of rule of law within government organisations in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, and Ukraine. To this end, seven training programmes are offered per year, each introducing the participants to best practices in a wide range of rule of law themes.

The Matra Rule of Law Training programme is designed and delivered by Leiden Law School, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee, and The Hague Academy for Local Governance. It is financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, initially for a period of two years (2017- 2018).

The deadline to apply for the training is Sunday the 11th of February 2018.

For more information about these trainings, other Matra Rule of Law training programmes, and the online application form, please click here.