
Marit Maij

Marit Maij is Executive Director at ActionAid Nederland, and president of the board at the Dutch UN Women National Committee.

Marit Maij previously held the position of managing director at CNV International as well as diplomat and politician. While working for the Ministery of Foreign affairs in the Netherlands, she was Special Envoy Migration and worked in various embassies. Maij was a member of the Dutch parliament with the PvdA (Dutch labour party) and a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in the field of Human Rights. She also worked for the European Parliament.

With 25 years of experience in international and European cooperation, Marit Maij would like to bring in her experience and knowledge on European cooperation, labour rights and migration law to protect the most vulnerable people in the field of work of the NHC.

Marit Maij has attained a Master in Political Science at the University of Amsterdam with a specialisation in international relations (MBA) at the European University in Brussels, and a master (LL.M) in Human Rights at the UOC in Barcelona.