
Call for Liaison Experts in ‘Catalyst of Change’ Project

19 May 2023

Catalyst of Change: Protecting the Union values by supporting a resilient, engaged and vocal civil society for the promotion of women’s rights, environmental justice and anti-corruption in Eastern and Southern Europe

The NHC is looking for liaison experts for the project “Catalyst of Change: Protecting the Union values by supporting a resilient, engaged and vocal civil society for the promotion of women’s rights, environmental justice and anti-corruption in Eastern and Southern Europe”. This project aims to contribute to creating an enabling environment for civil society in five EU Member States: Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, and Portugal.[1] Furthermore, the project will allow CSOs working on women’s rights, environmental justice, and anti-corruption to work more effectively in the promotion of EU values, be more resilient to threats, and be able to quickly respond to concerning trends affecting space for civil society in their respective countries.

The project seeks to:

  1. Enhance civil society’s response to new trends affecting democratic and civic space and civil society
  2. Strengthen effectiveness, accountability and sustainability of grass-root organisations and movements.
  3. Enhance visibility and understanding of the work of grass-root organisations and movements supported by the project


Among the foreseen activities within the project are mapping and outreach towards target groups, advice on capacity strengthening and training development, and supporting the distribution, evaluation and monitoring of grants in each target country.

More information about the call and application for liaison experts can be found here. Applicants are required to fill out a declaration form, which can be downloaded here.

The application package should be submitted in English via the following link.





[1] This project is funded by the European Union.