
Call for Participation: Constituency and Influence for Reform

19 May 2021

Netherlands Helsinki Committee invites Ukrainian civil society organisations (CSOs) to participate in training within the scope of the “Constituency and Influence for Reform” project that is financed in part by the European Union. We are seeking applicant CSOs which:

  • work in the areas of gender equality, anti-corruption and environmental protection;
  • want to gain knowledge and competencies in advocacy, communication, organizational management and fundraising.

The 12 selected applicants will receive trainings on the topics of communication, advocacy and project management between 12 July and 17 July 2021.


The training will take place in the format of a 6-day offline training from July 12-17 followed by 3-4 online sessions. Each of the selected organisations will be invited to delegate 2 representatives (may vary depending on the topic of training) to participate in the training. Detailed information (venue, program) will be sent to the selected CSOs. All expenses (transport, hotel and meal) of the training participants will be covered by the project.

Topics to be covered during the training:

Advocacy (definition of advocacy and its place in the work of the organisation, the order and design of an advocacy campaign, tools for local democracy, criteria for success of campaigns and best practices, development of own campaign).

Communication (organisation brand, goals of communication campaigns, external and internal communications, writing a communication strategy, SMM, attracting supporters and volunteers, working with the media).

Project management (project budget planning, team responsibilities, fundraising and application writing, event organization, quantitative and qualitative risk assessment, risk minimisation and avoidance strategies, stress management, organisational self-assessment, strategic planning, public reporting of the organisation).

Following the training, a second phase will begin, involving a “Call for Proposals” to training participants to develop projects informed by the tools learned during the training. 6 projects will be selected to receive a grant of 6000 EUR each, to implement their project ideas within 4 months. The winning projects will have to be completed by 31 December 2021. The details of this stage will be provided after the training.


To participate in the competitive selection it is necessary:

  • have an idea for an advocacy campaign or project;
  • download and complete the application form;
  • submit the application form along with the registration certificate of your organisation in electronic form in Ukrainian by 23:59, 06 June 2021 to

Read more about the call here (only in Ukrainian): Українська

Application form (only in Ukranian): Українська