
Call for Security Experts: Constituency and Influence for Reform

11 February 2022

With the generous support of the European Union, in July 2020, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee began a project, “Constituency and Influence for Reform,” aiming to support civil society organizations (CSOs) working on gender, corruption, and environmental justice in Eastern Partnership countries. Find out more about the projects previous trainings here.

Within the scope of the project, the NHC is now looking for Ukrainian based and speaking security experts to conduct a physical and information security training in March 2022 for CSO teams working on gender equality, anti-corruption and environmental issues. For more information (in Ukrainian), head here and find the application form (in Ukrainian) here. Deadline for applications is 22 February 2022, 12:59 CET

See below for Ukrainian

Проєкт Нідерландського Гельсінського Комітету “Голос громади і вплив на реформи”, який частково фінансує Європейський Союз, терміново шукає українських тренерів та тренерок для проведення у березні 2022 тренінгу з фізичної та інформаційної безпеки для команд ОГС, що працюють у сфері забезпечення гендерної рівності, протидії корупції та вирішення екологічних проблем. Додаткову інформацію можна знайти тут, а форму заявки – за цим посиланням.

About the Human Rights Defence Programme

We believe safeguarding human rights is the responsibility of all people because everyone benefits from having these rights. Those with the knowledge and courage to defend our rights should be encouraged to do so and supported in their endeavours. They should not be persecuted, tried, nor convicted for championing our fundamental freedoms. The Human Rights Defence Programme works towards broadly spreading the message that human rights are important for everyone in society. This is done in order to increase the public’s support for human rights—and for those that defend them—so their work towards positive changes in society can continue and everyone can live in a more peaceful and just world.