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24 February 2021

Women Who Lead: International Women’s Day 2021 Online Event

NHC welcomes discussion on EU Rule of Law in Dutch Parliament

The NHC welcomes the national level debate that took place in the Dutch parliament last Wednesday on issues of rule of law and conditionality in the EU.

Human Rights Day 2020: NHC calls for unwavering support for Belarus

On this year’s Human Rights Day, the NHC asks for sustained attention from the international community for the situation in Belarus.

Minister Blok Discusses Human Rights and Corruption with Human Rights Defenders

The Netherlands Minister of Foreign Affairs, Stef Blok, held a discussion with human rights defenders on corruption and its impact on human rights.

Joint Statement: European Peace Facility: Causing harm or bringing peace?

The NHC, together with 39 other CSOs, calls on EU Member States to reconsider adopting the European Peace Facility (EPF) funding in its current form.

Anti-SLAPP Op-ed

The NHC joined 98 other CSOs in urging that EU-wide legislation be adopted to protect people across the EU from SLAPPs (Strategic Lawsuits against Public Participation).

The Impact of COVID-19 on Human Rights: Recommendations to the Dutch Foreign Affairs Committee

The NHC and 6 other NGOs formulated recommendations for the members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Dutch Parliament prior to their review of the 2021 budget.

Joint Statement Regarding Non-Implementation of ECHR Rulings Against Azerbaijan

The Netherlands Helsinki Committee is concerned that Azerbaijan has failed to end politically-motivated prosecutions and imprisonment, despite ECHR rulings.

OSCE Moscow Mechanism Report on Belarus

On 5 November 2020, Wolfgang Benedek presented his 'Moscow Mechanism' report on the Belarus election and its aftermath to the OSCE.

One Step Closer to an EU Magnitsky Act

The EC announces a Joint Proposal on implementation of sanctions against serious human rights violations and abuses worldwide; an EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime.