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04 August 2020

45 years since the Helsinki Accords

NHC Director Speaks on Rising Tensions Between Hungary and the European Union

RTLZ news interviews NHC Director Pepijn Gerrits about what actions have been taken at the EU in response to the deterioration of democracy in Hungary.

NHC and NJCM Submit Contribution to European Commission for Rule of Law Report

First Rule of Law Report on all 27 EU Member States is to be issued by the European Commission. Civil society, academia, and professionals were asked to contribute.

IN MEMORIAM: NHC Expert Advisor and Volunteer Adri Kemps

Remembering the life of Adri Kemps, long time NHC Expert Advisort and Volunteer.

Press Freedom Organisations Calls for Safeguarding of Media Freedom and Pluralism Through European Rule of Law Mechanism

NHC joins press freedom organisations' joint recommendations on safeguarding media freedom and pluralism through the European Rule of Law Mechanism.

Joint Statement: Democratic Principles in a Time of Crisis

Democracy support organisations around Europe, as part of the EPD network, issue a joint statement on democratic principles in a time of crisis.

NHC 2019 Annual Report is Now Online

This year’s annual report looks at our work through the eyes of direct and indirect partners, and through our own reflections.

ANNOUNCEMENT: The NHC Temporary Procedures in Response to COVID-19 Corona Virus

Announcement on NHC procedures in response to COVID-19 corona virus.

Thomas Carothers On Strengthening Civil Society: Is Current International Action Enough?

Democracy expert Thomas Carothers speaks to Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Breed Mensenrechten Overleg (BMO) representatives about strengthening civil society.

Human rights and conflict – The Hague Conversation on Conflict

The role of human rights in conflict prevention, resolution, and peacebuilding was the topic of discussion at the third lecture of The Hague Conversations on Conflict.