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23 October 2019

IN MEMORIAM: Nel Barendrecht and Til Gardeniers-Berendsen

Risk of Losing Momentum in Rule of Law Reform for Albania and North Macedonia

Opening of negotiations for Albania and North Macedonia on EU accession has been postponed once again. What are the potential consequences of this for rule of law in the countries?

Struggle for Rule of Law in Poland Continues

Law and Justice won in last Sunday's parliamentary election, what does this mean for the Rule of Law and judicial independence in Poland?

European Leaders Must Match Rhetoric on Democracy with Action, Say Experts

Democracy support experts issue 5 recommendations on democracy leadership for the EU on Democracy Day.

What Can the Weimar Republic Teach Us About Democracy and the Importance of the Rule of Law?

It has been 100 years since the Weimar Republic. What can looking back at Germany's first attempt at democrcacy teach us about democracy today?

Why is Hungary Angry at Finland?: Debate over Rule of Law in Hungary

The rule of law is at center of a spat between Hungary and Finland, but what is happening with Hungary's rule of law? Hungarian civil society and government representatives debate this point.

Ukrainian Representatives Visit NHC to Discuss Effective Government-Civil Society Partnerships

Civil society and government representatives from Ukraine visited the NHC discuss how to enhance cooperation between the two sectors.

Building Trust: Making Human Rights a Reality for All Panel Discussion

Twenty-six years ago today 1993 Vienna Declaration on a common plan for strengthening human rights was passed. What has happened in the last quarter century since Vienna?

What If You Did Not Have the Right to Vote in the EU?

The NHC co-organised A Privilege Free Day on 14 April in The Hague. The event focused, amongst others, on the importance of voting in the upcoming European Parliament elections.

Come to The Hague Freedom Weeks: A Privilege Free Day on 14 April

In celebration of the upcoming Dutch Liberation Day, the NHC will be hosting an event on Sunday 14 April as part of The Hague Freedom Weeks. Come and experience just how much freedom you enjoy.