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08 March 2024

Statement | In solidarity with Azerbaijani Journalists

Civil Society Human Dimension Event | A Human Rights Tour of the OSCE Region

A civil society-led event bringing together human rights defenders from across the OSCE region in a “speed dating” format.

Change at the helm NHC : Kees van Rij takes over from Piet de Klerk as Chair of the Supervisory Board

On 14 February 2024 Kees van Rij officially took over the reins as Chair of the Supervisory Board of the organisation.

Statement | Human rights organisations call on Russian authorities to immediately release human rights defender Oleg Orlov

The NHC and 30 other human rights organisations condemn today's sentencing of Oleg Orlov, co-chair of Human Rights Defense Center Memorial, on politically motivated charges.

Event | Ukraine in the EU: geopolitical and economic opportunities

Join us on 04 March at Nieuwspoort in The Hague for an event bringing together policy makers and experts to discuss the opportunities of Ukraine in the EU.

Increased pressure on EU values: Rule of Law report on the Netherlands

NHC's annual contribution to the European Commission’s reports on the state of the rule of law in the EU

In Memoriam | Former Chairman of the NHC Executive Board Jan Herman van Roijen Passes Away

Jan Herman Robert Dudley van Roijen, former Chairman of the Executive Board of the Netherlands Helsinki Committee, passed away in Wassenaar on 14 January 2024 at the age of 88.

The fight has just begun | Democracy and the Rule of Law in the EU

Kees Sterk joined the November edition of The Hague #DemocracyDrinks to discuss democracy and rule of law in the EU, focusing in particular on Poland after the elections.

Democracy and the rule of law in the EU: Poland after the elections | #DemocracyDrinks Event

Join us on 28 November for the next edition of #DemocracyDrinks with Kees Sterk, Senior Judge, European Law expert & NHC Committee Member.

Open letter: We refuse to let the Anti-SLAPP Directive be a missed opportunity

We urge European institutions to negotiate the strongest possible Anti-SLAPP Directive that effectively protects public watchdogs.