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11 February 2022

Call for Security Experts: Constituency and Influence for Reform

Effective Rehabilitation through Education

Read more on Kosovo's incarcerated juveniles who are gaining university degrees to build a better live for themselves after leaving prison.

Turkey: Vote for infringement process by Council of Europe for release of Osman Kavala

The NHC welcomes the start of infringement proceedings against Turkey by the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers after failing to release rights defender Osman Kavala.

Online Event | The future of “Memorial” and the Russian human rights and democracy movement

Join us on 03 February 2022 at 1930 CET for this important discussion with two special guests, representatives of the Human Rights Center Memorial.

The Winding Path to Democracy: Reflections on the Final RoLT Alumni Event

Hear from former RoLT participants about their experiences of bringing the trials and tribulations of bringing about change in their country.

Online Event | Meer meten is meer weten of meer macht?

Namens het NHC en het Platform Bescherming Burgerrechten nodigen wij u uit voor een panelgesprek over dataverzameling en de inzet van nieuwe technologieën door de overheid en de impact daarvan op het functioneren van de rechtsstaat.

Joint statement by members of the Civic Solidarity Platform and other NGOs on the alarming situation in Kazakhstan

Read the full statement.

In Memoriam Ed van Thijn (1934-2021)

A Dutch politician for the Labour Party (PvdA), historian, and member of the NHC's Committee from 1996-2010, Ed van Thijn passed away on 19 December 2021.

NHC’s hand in the development of the Serbian Probation Service

Interview with Probation expert Frans Clobus on the development of a new risk assessment instrument for the Serbian Probation Service.

Kirsten Meijer to join NHC as Executive Director per 15 February 2022

Kirsten is currently Director of Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF) International, and brings with her more than 20 years of experience in non-profit management.