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08 December 2021

Balkans Act Now! – Reflecting on Success and the Road Forward

IDFA premiere of ‘Judges under Pressure’ in Carré, Amsterdam

Find out more about the screening of the 'Judges under pressure' documentary on the continued fight for judicial independence in Poland.

Preventing torture in closed institutions: Dutch NPM needs to become more effective and fully independent

The NHC calls on the Dutch government to ensure that the treatment and living conditions all persons in detention facilities is screened against human rights standards.

Online event: Protection of Fundamental Rights and the Rule of Law in the EU

Join us on Friday 12 November 2021 for an online seminar on the protection of fundamental rights and rule of law in the EU.

Defending Democracy at Home and Abroad

The October edition of the Democracy Drinks, a monthly networking event for democracy defenders organised by the NHC and the NIMD.

The NHC condemns the Belarusian Supreme Court’s Decision to shut down the Belarusian Helsinki Committee

The Belarusian Supreme Court’s has forcibly closed one of Belarus' oldest human rights organisations, we at the NHC extend our unwavering support to and solidarity with colleagues at the Belarusian Helsinki Committee.

Democracy Drinks: Second Edition

Join us for Democracy Drinks on October 08 with guest speaker Lousewies van der Laan, Executive Director at Transparency International NL.

NHC joins UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) Coalition

The NHC is now a proud member of the UNCAC Coalition, joining a global network of over 350 CSOs in over 100 countries.

Pepijn Gerrits to leave as Executive Director NHC

Pepijn Gerrits announced this week he will be leaving the NHC as Executive Director by the end of the year to join Oxfam Novib's Supervisory Board as Director Programs.

The Worrying Rise of Homophobic Voices in Europe

The NHC raises concern at the rising number of anti-LGBTIQ+ crimes and incitements of hate speech and points out a number of action points for change.