08 June 2021

Bring Human Rights Home: A Story from Turkey

Bring Human Rights Home: A Story from the Netherlands

This story from the Netherlands is part of the international #BringHumanRightsHome campaign. Follow these stories & stand up for human rights in your own communities.

Bring Human Rights Home: A Story from Ukraine

This story from Ukraine is part of the international #BringHumanRightsHome campaign. Follow these stories & stand up for human rights in your own communities.

Bring Human Rights Home: A Story from Hungary

This story from Hungary is part of the international #BringHumanRightsHome campaign. Follow these stories & stand up for human rights in your own communities.

Statement by the Netherlands Helsinki Committee: Belarus must release Raman Pratasevich immediately

We call on the Belarusian authorities to immediately release Raman Pratasevich and on the EU to introduce and expand targeted and economic sanctions.

Call for Participation: Constituency and Influence for Reform

Find out more about our Call for Participation for trainings for Ukrainian CSOs involved in gender equality, anti-corruption and/or environmental protection

Who will Defend the Defenders in Turkey?

Join us for the launch of “A Defenceless Defence”, Thursday 20 May 2021 1400-1530 CET. This report provides an analysis of the situation of lawyers in Turkey.

Ukraine: Stop Defamation of Environmental Activist Roman Ratushnyy

The NHC and ZMINA are calling for the charges to be dropped and for Ratushnyy’s detention in house arrest to be rescinded in light of the lack of concrete evidence against the activist.

Report on Tackling Transborder Corruption Launched at Webinar with Members of the European Parliament

Anti-corruption fighters José Grinda and Bill Browder spoke at the launch of the report 'Tackling Russian Elite's Corruption: Mission Impossible?' Find out more.

Ukraine: Uphold Fair Trial Rights of Anti-Corruption Activist, Serhiy Sternenko

NHC and ZMINA call on the Ukrainian authorities to uphold the fair trail rights of anti-corruption activist Serhiy Stenenko.