09 July 2020
Defending Human Rights is not a Crime: Turkey’s ruling against Istanbul-10
Defending Human Rights in Ukraine: Activism Report January – March 2020
07 July 2020
In partnership with the NHC, ZMINA Human Rights Centre published a report detailing the trends of persecution against activist and human rights defenders from January to March 2020. Defending Human Rights in Turkey: Yasemin Öz
30 June 2020
From the importance of LGTBI+ representation to the role of LGTBI+ allies, human rights defender and lawyer Yasemin Öz discusses the landscape for defending LGTBI+ in Turkey. Defending Human Rights Through Storytelling
11 June 2020
Together with seven civil society organisations, the NHC joined an international storytelling campaign to share the stories of how individuals and communities together defend rights. Fighting for Free Speech and Against Political Persecution in Eastern Europe
02 June 2020
In partnership with the European Implementation Network, the NHC is launching a new project focusing on compliance with ECtHR judgements regarding the freedom of speech.Defending Human Rights in Turkey: Sebla Arcan
27 May 2020
On the day that marks the start of the resistance against enforced disappearances in Turkey we share the of human rights defender Sebla Arcan and the Saturday Mothers.Solving the Corona Crisis: Respect for Democracy is the Key
19 May 2020
Op-Ed by NHC Executive Director and other democracy support organisations on why support and respect for democracy is key to solving the current corona crisis.UN Launches New Report on Human Rights Approach to Rule of Law in the EU
18 May 2020
"The case for a human rights approach to the rule of law in the EU" report launched by UN, in leadup to the first annual European Union report on the rule of law in all member states.