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31 January 2019

Defending Human Rights in Turkey: Meltem Aslan

European Parliament Votes in Favour of the European Values Instrument

The European Parliament recently voted in favour of the European Values Instrument. Find out why this is an important step in defending civic space and democracy in Europe.

My Human Rights Hero: students from the Royal Academy of Art present the ‘Gentle Opponent’

The My Human Rights Hero Exhibition has been expanded with a collection of work by students from the The Hague’s Royal Academy of Art.

Civil Society’s Role in Monitoring the Implementation of Human Rights Judgements Should Increase

The European Implementation Network's held its first General Assembly in December. The role of civil society in ECtHR judgements was discussed.

IN MEMORIAM: Lyudmila Alexeyeva, Co-founder of the Moscow Helsinki Group, Passes Away at 91

Lyudmila Alexeyeva, Co-founder of the Moscow Helsinki Group, passed away in Moscow at the age of 91 on 8 December 2018

Pepijn Gerrits, NHC Executive Director, on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 70th Anniversary

Pepijn Gerrits reflects on the importance of civic space on the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

NGO Letter of Support for a Targeted, Global EU Human Rights Sanctions Regime

NGOs from around the world issue a letter to European foreign ministries in support of a targeted, global EU human rights sanctions regime.

Russia’s Departure from the Council of Europe Should Be Avoided

Human rights defenders from Russia are calling on the Council of Europe to fix deteriorating relations with the Russia in a memorandum.

2018 EU Fundamental Rights Colloquium: NHC on Challenges Facing European Civil Society

Ministers, Members of Parliament, civil society leaders, media representatives, academics and activists were at the event and focused in particular on the essential role of civil society in a well-functioning European democracy.

Civil Society Leaders Detained in Turkey: Call to Action

The Netherlands Helsinki Committee calls for urgent international action to expedite release of the detained civil society representatives, and dropping of charges against Osman Kavala.