12 November 2018

‘My Human Rights Hero’: An exhibition celebrating the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Viktoria Marinova, the Latest Victim of Escalating Violence Against Journalists in the EU

The murders of investigative journalist Viktoria Marinova, Daphe Caruana Galizia, and Ján Kuciak demonstrate the worrying trend escalating violence against journalists in the EU.

Debating Rule of Law in Hungary: Civil Society vs. Government Perspective

Márta Pardavi, Co-chair of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee (HHC), and András Kocsis, Ambassador of Hungary to the Netherlands debate the rule of law.

NHC Event at The Hague International Open Day

Justice and Peace, NHC, and Human Security Collective hosts a public event during The Hague International Open Day. Attendees learned about the work of all three organizations.

Interview with Human Rights Defender Murat Çelikkan, Winner of the 2018 International Hrant Dink Award

Murat Çelikkan, 2018 winner of the International Hrant Dink Award, discusses human rights and security, minority groups, and the role of the OSCE in Turkey.

Statement in Support of Azerbaijani Human Rights Lawyer Elchin Sadigov

A joint statement by the Civil Rights Defenders, International Partnership for Human Rights, and NHC in support of Azerbaijani Human Rights lawyer Elchin Sadigov.

Defending Human Rights in Turkey: Stories that Need to Be Heard

Stories of Turkish human rights defenders Onur Hamzaoğlu, Şebnem Korur Fincancı and Reha Ruhavioğlu who continue their fight despite government pressure.

Distance Exhibition Takes Place 10-22 September 2018

'Distance', an exhibition of photos depicting former political prisoners from Azerbaijan and the relatives of those still detained, on display in Atrium The Hague, Spui 70.

NHC Side-Event on Corruption and Human Rights at HDIM

The NHC hosted a side-event on Human Rights and Corruption at the 2018 Human Dimension Implementation Meeting in Warsaw, Poland.

New Editor in Chief and Call for Articles for the Security and Human Rights Monitor

Arie Bloed has asked Christophe Paulussen to succeed him as Editor in Chief of the Security and Human Rights Monitor. The SHRM announces a Call for Articles.