15 August 2018

New Editor in Chief and Call for Articles for the Security and Human Rights Monitor

The “H” in NHC: Anniversary of the Helsinki Accords

Brief background on the Helsinki Accords and its connection to the NHC.

Release Ukrainian Filmmaker Oleg Sentsov: EU-Russia CSF Statement

Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov arrested on terrorism charges after protesting the annexation of Crimea. IGO's, INGO's, film and sport industry individuals have called for his release.

Albanian Law Enforcement Working Towards Countering LGBTI Discrimination

Albanian law enforcement representatives visit the Netherlands to learn about countering LGBTI discrimination before the project launch in Tirana.

PACE Should Appoint Rapporteur for Political Prisoners in Azerbaijan

Civil Society calls for the use of politically motivated imprisonment in Azerbaijan to be addressed through a PACE appointed Rapporteur.

Oyub Titiev Should Be Immediately Released and All Charges against Him Dropped

Chechen authorities are seeking to frame Titiev and close down the extremely important work of Human Rights Center Memorial by threats and harassment.

Urgent Call for International Action to Prevent Lifelong Sentencing of Eren Keskin

Eren Keskin, a prominent human rights lawyer from Turkey, is at risk of a lengthy imprisonment in retaliation for many years of defending human rights and freedom of expression.

Call to Suspend Azerbaijan’s Membership to International Association of Prosecutors

The NHC complaint to the IAP argues that the prosecution service of Azerbaijan engages in ‘dishonourable conduct’, in violation of the professional standards adopted by the IAP.

Human Rights Activists and Journalists Insist on the Prompt Release of Nariman Memedeminov, a Civil Journalist from Crimea

The NHC and 97 other human rights organisations and activitsts call on the Russian Federation to release Crimean civil journalist Nariman Memedeminov.

Helsinki Civil Society Award 2018 Goes to Eren Keskin

Eren Keskin, a human rights lawyer and advocate of freedom of expression in Turkey, announced as the Laureate of the 2018 Helsinki Civil Society Award.