14 March 2018

OSCE Secretary General Commends NHC at its 30th Anniversary

Statement of Solidarity with Hungarian Human Rights Defenders and Civil Society

The NHC stands in solidarity with civil society and human rights defenders in Hungary under threat by proposed legislation.

NHC Joins the Legal Experts Advisory Panel (LEAP)

The NHC is pleased to announce its membership of the Legal Experts Advisory Panel (LEAP).

Case Studies on Transborder Corruption

The ‘Expert Group on Fighting Transborder Corruption’ of the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum (CSF) has released a new publication on fighting corruption.

NHC at UN Anti-Corruption Conference of State Parties

“Information on the abuse of international standards by judges and prosecutors should be employed systematically in international law enforcement and judicial cooperation,“ says Harry Hummel.

In Memoriam Coen Stork

Coen Stork was a member of the NHC for approximately a decade. Former executive director of the NHC, Jos Kösters, salutes his former colleague who recently passed away.

Open Letter to Heads of EU Member States ahead of Aliyev’s Brussels Visit

We urge you to use any opportunity you will have during the summit to call on president Aliyev to end the human rights crackdown and commit to concrete and sustainable human rights reforms.

Stop Persecution of Anti-Corruption Activists: Open Letter to the Ukrainian Authorities

We are concerned about harassment and persecution of anti-corruption activists in Ukraine, including restrictive legislation, criminal investigations, smear campaigns and physical attacks.

The Completion of the Project on the “Promotion of Victim-Centred Approach in Trafficking Cases in Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina”

Interview with human rights consultant Marjan Wijers on the completion of the “Promotion of Victim-Centred Approach in Trafficking Cases in Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina” project.

NHC at the 2017 Human Dimension Implementation Meeting

During this year’s HDIM the NHC co-organised two side events and advocated for a stronger response by the OSCE to the crackdown on human rights in the region.