12 September 2017

Start of the Matra RoLT Training Programme ‘Human Rights and Minorities’

Statement on Ukraine’s Draft Laws on NGO Reporting and Tax Obligations

The NHC, HRIC and HFHR call upon the Ukrainian authorities to withdraw draft laws No. 6674 and 6675, incompatible with international standards.

Human Rights and Justice Advocates at Serious Risk in the OSCE Region – An Appeal from the Civic Solidarity Platform

Over 40 members of the Civic Solidarity Platform issue an appeal to mark the 2017 OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting in Warsaw.

NHC at Night of Dictatorship 2017

The Netherlands Helsinki Committee, together with Amnesty International, organises a tour during the Night of Dicatorship in The Hague on Friday September 8.

Global Civil Society Urges the International Association of Prosecutors to Introduce a Human Rights Policy

Over 130 human rights and anti-corruption groups call on the IAP to stand up for human rights standards and help preserve the integrity of the profession.

On “Public Procurement”: NHC Interviews Participants of the Third Matra Rule of Law Training

The third training of the Matra Rule of Law Training Programme, Public Procurement, was held in Leiden and The Hague, the Netherlands from 21 till 30 June 2017. Read interviews with the participants.

Applications Now Open for Two Matra RoLT Trainings: “Decentralization and Citizen Participation” and “Freedom of the Media”

The NHC is now accepting applications for the next two Matra Rule of Law Training Programmes: “Decentralisation and Citizen Participation and “Freedom of the Media”.

Civic Solidarity Platform: Holding a Meeting on Human Rights is Not a Terrorist Conspiracy

The Civic Solidarity Platform, of which the NHC is a founding member, has released a statement regarding the detention on Wednesday 5th July in Büyükada, Istanbul, of eight Turkish Human Rights Defenders and two foreign consultants on digital security and information management.

A Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to Support a Victim Centered Approach in Trafficking Cases in Bosnia and Herzegovina

On the 3rd of July 2017 a closing conference of the 4 year-long project "Promoting a Victim Centred Approach in Trafficking Cases in Bosnia and Herzegovina" took place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).

“Distance” Exhibition on the Plight of Political Prisoners in Azerbaijan Opened at the European Parliament

Jointly with “Art for Democracy” initiative and European MP Kati Piri, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee opened the “Distance” exhibition at the European Parliament in Brussels.