26 June 2015
Human rights defenders’ solidarity match for Azerbaijan
NHC calls for more people-to-people contacts with Russia
26 June 2015
The NHC has called on the Dutch parliament to increase attention for people-to-people contacts in relations with Russia. The recently issued governmental policy paper on relations with Russia is scheduled for debate on 25 June. Kyrgyz Parliament: Reject “Foreign Agents” Bill in Plenary
02 June 2015
The following statement is issued by the Civic Solidarity Platform (CSP) - a network of human rights NGOs in Europe, North America and the former Soviet Union - to the members of Kyrgyzstan's parliament to reject the "foreign agents" bill that is under consideration in Parliament at this moment.Expert meeting: “Victims of trafficking in human beings: interview techniques (including the interviewing of children)”
02 June 2015
On 16 and 17 April experts on issues relating to human trafficking met in Ilidza, Sarajevo to discuss “Victims of trafficking in human beings: interview techniques (including interviewing of children)”.United Nations assesses economic, social and cultural rights in Kyrgyzstan
02 June 2015
On 1st until 2nd of June, the current state of economic, social and cultural rights in Kyrgyzstan was discussed by the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.Defending the rights of human trafficking victims in Slovakia: Report on the First Expert Meeting in Slovakia for lawyers
02 June 2015
On 15 April, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee and NGO Human Rights League (HRL) from Slovakia organized the first Expert Meeting for lawyers on human trafficking-related topics, in Bratislava. CPT Anniversary Conference to be followed up in Council of Europe
11 May 2015
The implementation of recommendations of the Committee for the Prevention of Torture can be substantially improved, said professor Anton van Kalmthout in The Hague on 8 May.Azerbaijan’s top human rights lawyer convicted to 7,5 years in prison
22 April 2015
Intigam Aliyev, Azerbaijan’s renowned human rights lawyer with an impeccable international reputation, has been convicted to 7.5 years in prison.