31 March 2015

Kick-off series Expert Meetings for lawyers on providing legal aid to victims of human trafficking

EU: Use Brussels visit of Kyrgyzstan’s president to secure human rights commitments

EU leaders should prominently address human rights issues with Kyrgyzstan's President Almazbek Atambayev, who is in Brussels for meetings on 26-27 March, and insist that he use his powers to ensure compliance with the country's international human rights obligations.

Fair trial for Azerbaijan’s prisoners of conscience

In 2014, Azerbaijani authorities arrested, convicted or imprisoned at least 34 journalists, bloggers, human rights defenders and civil society activists.

Tajikistan: Findings of UN Committee should serve as a roadmap for change

The Tajikistani NGO coalition on promoting economic and social rights, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee and the International Partnership for Human Rights call on the government of Tajikistan to cooperate with civil society.

Ella Poliakova to visit the NHC

On 24 March the NHC will host a visit by Ella Poliakova, head of the Russian NGO Soldiers’ Mothers of Saint-Petersburg.

Conference on Prevention of Torture in Europe, 8 May in The Hague: Register Now!

Registration is now open for the Conference on the Prevention of Torture in Europe, which the NHC organizes on 8 May, at the premises of and with the cooperation of The Hague University for Applied Sciences.

Tajikistan discussed at Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: NGO perspective

The situation with regard to economic, social and cultural rights in Tajikistan has been discussed during the 54th session of the UN Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights on February 24th and 25th in Geneva.

Appeal for release of environmental campaigner Yevgeni Vitishko

The NHC joined an appeal questioning the imprisonment of environmental campaigner Yevgeni Vitishko, a member of the Russian NGO Environmental Watch North Caucasus.

Study Visit Albania – the Netherlands

From 26 January until 30 January, an Albanian delegation visits the Netherlands for a study visit in the framework of the Matra CoPROL project promoting a victim-centred approach in trafficking cases.

Sport for Rights Campaign Kicks Off

As member of the international NGO coalition “Sport for Rights”, the NHC signed a joint statement to the president of the European Olympic Committee concerning the first European Games that are due to be held in Azerbaijan in June 2015.