10 March 2014

First Judgment Awarding Compensation for A Victim of Trafficking in Serbia Issued and Executed

Alarm at Growing Violence in Ukraine

The EU-Russia Civil Society Forum, of which the Netherlands Helsinki Committee is a member, is calling on the Ukrainian government to repeal recent repressive legislation and end its brutal response to the massive protests in the country.

Threat of severe deterioration of human rights compliance in Ukraine

The Civil Society Parallel Conference, held in Kiev from 2 to 4 December by the Civic Solidarity Platform, issued an urgent call on the human dimension situation in Ukraine.

Recommendations on OSCE presented to government representatives

The OSCE should make combating torture a priority, said the OSCE Parallel Civil Society Conference held by the Civic Solidarity Platform in Kiev from 2 to 4 December 2013.

Promoting the Rights of Trafficked Persons: Training of Social Workers in Eastern Europe

In October and November of this year three training sessions were organized for social workers who provide legal counselling to victims of human trafficking in Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria

Training on shadow reporting in Kyrgyzstan

The Netherlands Helsinki Committee, together with the Child Rights Defenders League of Kyrgyzstan, organized a training on writing a United Nations shadow report and undertaking advocacy with the report.

Belarusian delegation to visit The Hague

On Friday, October 18, a delegation of representatives from the Belarusian “National Referendum” campaign will visit The Hague. As part of the visit the Netherlands Helsinki Committee (NHC) will host a public roundtable discussion.

Call against the use of psychiatry for political aims

The NHC joined a call by members of the Civic Solidarity Platform against increasing usage of methods of punitive psychiatry in a number of post-Soviet states.

EU-Russia Civil Society Forum calls for cooperation and solidarity in face of worsening conditions

On 5-7 October EU-Russia Civil Society Forum held its 4th General Assembly in The Hague (the Netherlands). More than 120 civil society actors from Russia and EU member states gathered at the Assembly, including both members of the Forum and organisations having an observer status.

Education key in countering discrimination of LGBT persons

In a side event at the 2013 Human Dimension Implementation Meeting, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee explored the role of education in the discrimination of LGBT persons.