17 February 2012
NHC welcomes release Kazakhstani human rights defender
Russian human rights activist Gregory Shvedov has been awarded the 2012 Geuzenpenning
09 January 2012
The Netherlands Helsinki Committee congratulates Russian human rights activist Gregory Shvedov on being awarded the 2012 Geuzenpenning Shvedov has been fighting for human rights in Russia and the former Soviet Republics for years. OSCE civil society parallel conference – human rights crisis in Belarus
06 December 2011
Almost a year has passed after the dramatic events of 19 December 2010 in the Republic of Belarus that gave rise to a new stage in the obliteration of fundamental rights and freedoms in this European country and OSCE member-state. NGOs call for more OSCE efforts in realizing human dimension commitments
05 December 2011
Independent civil society organizing for the defence of human rights is becoming increasingly difficult in many OSCE participating states. The OSCE should do more to promote freedom of association, to protect human rights defenders and to improve freedom of movement.Civil Society Meets in Advance of OSCE Ministerial Council
03 December 2011
The Netherlands Helsinki Committee is co-organizer of the OSCE Civil Society Parallel Conference in Vilnius, Lithuania, on 4 and 5 December. This event brings together representatives of civil society organizations from all across the OSCE region.Special issue Security and Human Rights: A Tribute to Max van der Stoel
24 October 2011
A special issue of Security and Human Rights is published, honouring the life and work of Max van der Stoel, who passed away earlier this year.Mensenrechtenavond #2: Olympische spelen en Mensenrechten
12 October 2011
Het Nederlands Helsinki Comité (NHC) organiseert op woensdag 19 oktober een debat over de Olympische Spelen en mensenrechten. Dit debat is de tweede bijeenkomst in een reeks 'Mensenrechtenavonden' die het NHC organiseert in het Humanity House om de discussie over mensenrechtenkwesties te bevorderen.Contribution to OSCE Review Meeting: Civil Society under Pressure in Central Asian Countries
22 September 2011
Twenty years after the Soviet Union dissolved and Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan gained independence, civil society activities remain seriously restricted in these countries.