11 January 2023

Kyrgyzstan: Stop the attacks on Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Kyrgyz service

Belarus: HRD and journalist Yekaterina Yanshina sentenced to 15 days detention for covering the trial of Viasna leaders

Read more on the unlawful arrest of Russian Human Rights Defender, Yekaterina Yanshina after she attended a hearing in the trial of Viasna leaders in Belarus.

Call for proposals: Flexible emergency assistance for CSOs from Belarus

Read more on the NHC's call for proposals on flexible emergency assistance to support the needs of CSOs from Belarus.

Reflections on “The Future of Human Rights in times of War in Europe”

Kirsten Meijer, Sasha Romantsova, Yvonne Donders, Julia Ivan, Małgorzata Szuleka & Bahia Tahzib-Lie on the future of human rights in Europe.

Joint NGO Letter to the European Parliament on Proposals to Halt Human Rights Activities

Members of HRDN express grave concern over recent debates and proposals to freeze all activities of the European Parliament’s Human Rights Subcommittee (DROI).

Call for Proposals | Support to the Needs of Ukrainian Civil Society Organisations | Small Grants for Direct Emergency Needs

The NHC aims to provide small grants to civil society organisations (CSOs) and grassroots initiatives in Ukraine that are working on the promotion and protection of human rights.

Event | The Future of Human Rights in Times of War in Europe | 35 years NHC

07 December 2022 | An evening of reflection and debate with key-note by Executive Director of the Nobel Peace Prize winning Centre for Civil Liberties in Ukraine, Oleksandra Romantsova.

Joint Statement | Urgent need to reinforce UN Treaty Bodies

The NHC and more than 30 other international civil society organisations are calling for systemic changes in the handling of individual communications to the UN Treaty Bodies to effectively address human rights violations.

Call for Experts | Support efforts to ensure accountability for victims of Russia’s war against Ukraine

The NHC is looking for experts to gather information on the intent of the war crimes and the crimes against humanity committed in Ukraine during Russian aggression.

Osman Kavala | Calling for compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights

In light of the most recent developments in Turkey and the 5 year anniversary of Osman Kavala’s arrest, find out more on Turkey’s lack in implementing its obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights.