25 August 2021

Invitation: Launch of The Hague’s Democracy Drinks

No business as usual possible with the Lukashenko regime: International community should immediately and strongly react to a new massive wave of repression against civil society in Belarus

Statement by the Civic Solidarity Platform

CSOs call for the immediate operationalisation of the Human Rights Council’s new mandate on Belarus

Read the full statement signed by 64 Belarusian and international human rights organisations.

Lessons from a pandemic: how we continued our work in 2020

Find out more about how our work has continued to focus on rule of law and safeguarding human rights during this pandemic.

Joint Statement: European Peace Facility: Causing harm or bringing peace?

The NHC, together with 39 other CSOs, calls on EU Member States to reconsider adopting the European Peace Facility (EPF) funding in its current form.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Human Rights: Recommendations to the Dutch Foreign Affairs Committee

The NHC and 6 other NGOs formulated recommendations for the members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Dutch Parliament prior to their review of the 2021 budget.

The NHC Notes the Outcome of Turkey’s Third Universal Periodic Review, Calls on the Government to Respect its Commitments

The outcome of the Universal Periodic Review of Turkey was formally adopted during the 45th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Solidarity with Prof. Şebnem Korur-Fincancı and the Turkish Medical Association

The Netherlands Helsinki Committee condemns attack on forensic phyiscian and prominent human rights defender Prof. Şebnem Korur-Finacancı, and on the Turkish Medical Association.

The right to fair elections and peaceful protests: NHC joins call to invoke Moscow mechanism in Belarus

The NHC stands in solidarity with the hundreds of thousands of peaceful protestors in Belarus against the manipulation of the elections of 9 August by the government.

The Hague continues to grow as international City of Peace and Justice

Survey results have shown that international organisations play a stable and significant role in The Hague’s economy and represent a growing sector.