29 January 2019

European Parliament Votes in Favour of the European Values Instrument

My Human Rights Hero: students from the Royal Academy of Art present the ‘Gentle Opponent’

The My Human Rights Hero Exhibition has been expanded with a collection of work by students from the The Hague’s Royal Academy of Art.

Civil Society’s Role in Monitoring the Implementation of Human Rights Judgements Should Increase

The European Implementation Network's held its first General Assembly in December. The role of civil society in ECtHR judgements was discussed.

IN MEMORIAM: Lyudmila Alexeyeva, Co-founder of the Moscow Helsinki Group, Passes Away at 91

Lyudmila Alexeyeva, Co-founder of the Moscow Helsinki Group, passed away in Moscow at the age of 91 on 8 December 2018

2018 EU Fundamental Rights Colloquium: NHC on Challenges Facing European Civil Society

Ministers, Members of Parliament, civil society leaders, media representatives, academics and activists were at the event and focused in particular on the essential role of civil society in a well-functioning European democracy.

Debating Rule of Law in Hungary: Civil Society vs. Government Perspective

Márta Pardavi, Co-chair of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee (HHC), and András Kocsis, Ambassador of Hungary to the Netherlands debate the rule of law.

NHC Event at The Hague International Open Day

Justice and Peace, NHC, and Human Security Collective hosts a public event during The Hague International Open Day. Attendees learned about the work of all three organizations.

The “H” in NHC: Anniversary of the Helsinki Accords

Brief background on the Helsinki Accords and its connection to the NHC.

Albanian Law Enforcement Working Towards Countering LGBTI Discrimination

Albanian law enforcement representatives visit the Netherlands to learn about countering LGBTI discrimination before the project launch in Tirana.

Statement of Solidarity with Hungarian Human Rights Defenders and Civil Society

The NHC stands in solidarity with civil society and human rights defenders in Hungary under threat by proposed legislation.