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01 July 2024

Statement | EU Needs To Urgently Protect Civic Space in Hungary

Rising Above the Headlines: Protecting Press Freedom and Strengthening the Judiciary in the Western Balkans

Reflections on the Second Regional Media Freedom Conference held in Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina 06-08 December 2023

Increased pressure on EU values: Rule of Law report on the Netherlands

NHC's annual contribution to the European Commission’s reports on the state of the rule of law in the EU

The fight has just begun | Democracy and the Rule of Law in the EU

Kees Sterk joined the November edition of The Hague #DemocracyDrinks to discuss democracy and rule of law in the EU, focusing in particular on Poland after the elections.

EU Foreign Interference Law: Is Civil Society at Risk?

230 NGOs oppose plans for an EU law on foreign interference. We worry that its unintended side effects would hinder civil society in defending democracy and human rights in EU and beyond.

NGOs reageren op Kabinets reactie Motie Stoffer

Maatschappelijke organisaties waarschuwen voor glijdende schaal bij inperkingen. Lees onze gezamenlijke reactie.

Joint Civil Society and Democracy Organisations’ Priorities for the Defence of Democracy Package

Take a look at our joint recommendations for European Commission's Defence of Democracy Package.

It’s time to renew the government’s commitment to democracy

Together with our partners from the #DemocracyUnderThreat coalition, the NHC calls on the government to renew its commitment to democracy now.

Democracy Under Threat: from local to international, nothing about us without us!

On Monday 27 March, we will discuss this importance of strengthening and renewing democracy in the Netherlands and the rest of the world.

Key Concerns and Contributions to the EC Rule of Law Report

Read more about the NHC's key concerns and contributions on the state of the rule of law in the Netherlands for the EC's Rule of Law report.