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14 April 2022

Systematic backsliding of the Rule of Law in Hungary: Rule by Law

Systematic backsliding of the Rule of Law in Hungary explored through academic research

Introducing a series of academic papers mapping the methods and tactics used in the systemic backsliding of the rule of law in Hungary.

Rule of Law report 2022: Increased polarisation and lack of transparency

The NHC contributed information and commentary on the state of the Rule of Law in the Netherlands, focusing on the justice system, media freedom and anti-corruption networks.

NGO letter to EU Ministers on rule of law and human rights situation in Poland

The NHC & 30+ other NGOs call for attention of EU Ministers to alarming developments in Poland ahead of the EU GA Council next week.

The Winding Path to Democracy: Reflections on the Final RoLT Alumni Event

Hear from former RoLT participants about their experiences of bringing the trials and tribulations of bringing about change in their country.

Reconnecting and working together: Reflections on Matra RoLT 2021 Alumni Day

The NHC met with three Rule of Law training alumni who looked back on their experience and reflected on the recent RoLT Alumni event.

NHC joins UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) Coalition

The NHC is now a proud member of the UNCAC Coalition, joining a global network of over 350 CSOs in over 100 countries.

Open letter to the European Commission on Hungarian Resilience and Recovery Facility Plan

The undersigned express shared concerns on Hungary’s inadequate anti-corruption framework in this open letter to the European Commission.

Detention and Alternative Sanctions: NHC Senior Expert Leo Tigges on his work & new RoLT training

We are inviting civil servants from Albania, Armenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, and Ukraine for the upcoming training!

Resilience and Dedication: The Matra Rule of Law Training Alumni Event 2021

On the 1st of June NHC co-hosted an Alumni Event for participants of the 2019 Matra Rule of Law trainings. Specifically, Public Finance Management, Public Procurement, Detention and Alternative Sanctions and Decentralisation and Citizen Participation participants.