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21 December 2016

Communication training for the Probation Service in Montenegro

A project update – greenhouse business plan

Can gardening projects contribute to the rehabilitation of prison inmates? Pioneering work has been done by many horticultural rehabilitation projects around the world.

Roundtable in Moldova on conditional release

A roundtable on conditional release and social reintegration of detainees was held in order to explore effective ways and tools for the inter-institutional cooperation between probation and penitentiary systems in Moldova.

Equipping juvenile offenders in Correctional Centre Lipjan

Through workshops staff members of Correctional Centre Lipjan get acquainted with the purpose, structure and the current implementation of the EQUIP programme.

Interview with Prison Expert Edward Lucaci

Edward Lucaci is a Prison Expert of the project 'Support to the enforcement probation and rehabilitation system' in Moldova. What are his experiences in the field and what do his activities entail? Lucaci illuminates.

Risk Assessment training in Bijelo Polje

Evaluation of risk is the foundation of all types of reintegration activities. This was the basic idea at the Risk Assessment training held in Montenegro where trainees worked together on the use of a common tool kit.

Montenegro: Seeing is Believing

A group of 12 Montenegrin legal experts visited the Netherlands aiming to get an insight into the use of alternative sanctions in the Dutch criminal justice system and the organisation of probation work.

Prison and probation staff at a common Risk Assessment Training

Evaluation of risk must be the foundation of all types of reintegration activities. This was the basic idea at the Risk Assessment training held in Montenegro where probation and prison staff worked together on the use of a common tool kit.

Judges and probation officers share experiences on implementing community service sentences

Judges from first instance courts and probation officers came together in a fruitful workshop on February 15, marking the first activity of the year centered on supporting the probation service and the system of alternative sanctions in Montenegro.

DCI European Conference: Children’s Rights Behind Bars

The Netherlands Helsinki Committee was present at the successful European Conference on Human Rights of Children Deprived of Liberty organized by the NGO Defence for Children-Belgium.