18 November 2023

Evaluation report | Call for proposals for rights-based organisations working against discrimination in Türkiye

Call for Proposals: Researchers Working on Discrimination in Turkey

The NHC is looking for researchers working on Discrimination in Turkey as part of our joint project: Together against discrimination, find out more on how to apply.

Open call for small grants scheme journalists and media organizations

JUREMONIA announces an open call for small grants for project proposals. The call is open for media organizations and/or journalists from the Republic of Armenia.

Call for Proposals: “Together against Discrimination” Project

Find out more about our Call for proposals as part of our initiative with AMER, where we work together on Anti-discrimination in Turkey.

Report: Taking lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic forward within closed institutions

This report presents some of the main outcomes of the final phase of the EU COVID-19 Solidarity Programme for Eastern Partnership project that aimed to build and strengthen the capacities of civil society organizations.

Giving Back: Mapping report on European promising and proven practices of participatory youth practices in youth justice.

Read more about the NHC and Stichting YOPE's research on the inclusion of the youth experience in the criminal justice system.

Providing Sustainable Education in Prisons: Obstacles and Opportunities

Learn more about the importance of providing Sustainable Education in Juvenile Prisons and NHC's project in North Macedonia's Juvenile Institutions

The fight for human rights & democracy in Ukraine: Rehabilitative justice as a shared European value

Find out more about why a rehabilitative justice system is one of the cornerstones of a just, rights-respecting society & how the development of probation in Ukraine has proven to be much more than just a project.

EU COVID-19 Solidarity Programme: Reflections on advocacy and policy development

Stories of success: Alliance For Better Mental Health Georgia reflects on training followed & long-lasting impact of the EU COVID-19 Solidarity Programme.

Our Stories Matter: New project aiming to foster a child-centred approach in prison reform

Together with partners Exodus Nederland , Children of Prisoners Europe (COPE), EUROPRIS, Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen and Zaanstad Complex, the NHC is starting a new project aimed at fostering a child-centred approach to prison reform in the Netherlands and in the EU.