15 May 2024
Invitation | Security and Human Rights: Special Issue on the War in Ukraine
A New Phase for Security and Human Rights: Message from the Editor-in-Chief
21 February 2023
2023 is Security and Human Rights' first year as a self-publishing journal! Editor-in-Chief, Christophe Paulussen, rings in this new phase with a message to readers and contributors.OSCE ODIHR publishes report on the impact of Covid-19 measures on human rights
21 July 2020
The ODIHR published a report on the impact of Covid-19-related emergency measures on human rights and democracy.Human rights and conflict – The Hague Conversation on Conflict
14 November 2019
The role of human rights in conflict prevention, resolution, and peacebuilding was the topic of discussion at the third lecture of The Hague Conversations on Conflict. Transitional Justice in (Post) Conflict Situations: Civil Society Seminar Takes Place in The Hague
11 July 2019
In June the NHC and GRE hosted a civil society seminar on transitional justice with a focus on the Ukraine conflict.EVENT: Panel Discussion on Media and Minorities Taking Place 20 May
08 May 2019
On 20 May the panel discussion Fostering Mutual Understanding in Diverse Societies: The Importance of Inclusive Media in Preventing Conflicts takes place in The Hague.Interview with Arie Bloed
14 March 2018
As the NHC celebrates its 30th anniversary, Ian de Jong looks back with the NHC co-founder Arie Bloed on the past 30 years, the achievements of the NHC and the challenges it faced.Presentation of the Security and Human Rights Journal – Special Issue on OSCE Mediation
23 October 2017
The Security and Human Rights Journal is proud to present its latest special edition on OSCE Mediation.