
Cooperation Turkey and the Netherlands: A Basic Course Regulatory Impact Assessment

16 October 2012

In September 2012 a group of officials from the Turkish Ministry of Justice explored Dutch solutions to reduce administrative burden in regulatory systems in a Basic Course Regulatory Impact Assessment in The Hague. As a legislator it is of high importance to take into account the consequences and burden of new legislation prior to the implementation of this legislation.

This three-day course in September 2012 was aimed to have two groups of visitors exchanging views and expertise with Dutch experts. Key question of the study visit was: what mechanisms are being used in the Dutch legislative system to diminish administrative burden, and what solutions might be a reference for the Turkish regulatory context? The Turkish participants met with representatives of Dutch domestic institutions and organizations like the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation, the Advisory Board on Regulatory Burden, the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Council of State and SIRA consulting. Additionally a visit was paid to the International Criminal Court (ICC).

The course offered the opportunity to analyze the Dutch legislation process, as well as the role of subsequent actors. The focus of the course was on features such as consultation, Regulatory Impact Assessment and monitoring of the process. During the study visit each of these topics was addressed form the perspective of the quality of the legislation. On balance, the study visit provided the Turkish participants with basics and insights for the development of legislation.

The character of the meetings not only provided new insights, but also enabled the participants to make new contacts, both formal and informal. This will undoubtedly add up to an increased mutual understanding, and provide a basis for future, extended cooperation.