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#DemocracyDrinks: What is the role of citizen assemblies in democracy?

14 October 2024

Will you join us on October 22nd in exploring the role of citizen assemblies on climate?

Learn about citizen assemblies and their (potential) role in democratic decison-making! What kind of outcomes will citizen assemblies on climate generate and how can these decisions affect our societies? We will hear from Marije Dippel and Yuri Impens to gain both a broad national perspective and insights to what citizen assemblies mean for the Hague.

Meet the speakers

  • Marije Dippel is a business director at the non-profit Bureau Burgerberaad. Bureau Burgerberaad promotes the quality of citizen assemblies as valuable and necessary addition to our representative democracy. Marije is experienced in policy making and administrative matters in the non-profit sector, development cooperation and she is a big fan of ‘play-based learning’. At Bureau Burgerberaad she is also involved in Monitoring Evaluation & Learning and the pilot project that introduces citizens assemblies in vocational education.
  • Yuri Impens works as Strategic Advisor on Sustainability for the City of The Hague. Holding a Master’s in Sustainable Urban Planning & Design from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, he currently focusses on the broad field of the Climate Transition in The Hague. This ranges from improving the governance structures and international organization of The City of The Hague, to participatory projects and events such as the The Hague Climate Agreement, The Hague Climate Council and The Hague Climate Week. Yuri’s previous work endeavors have focused on the broad spectrum of participatory urbanism and placemaking.

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What are the #Democracy Drinks?

#DemocracyDrinks The Hague brings together democracy advocates, thinkers and enthusiasts at our monthly informal networking events. It is a great way of making new contacts and catching up with people you know; for testing ideas and planning actions; for moral support and inspiration. Feel free to invite friends and colleagues that work on or are interested in defending values like democracy, rule of law, human rights… Come along and you will be made welcome!

This event series is a collaboration between the Netherlands Helsinki Committee (NHC), the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) and The Hague Humanity Hub.