
Dutch NGOs ask politicians to stand up for human rights

10 March 2021

The members of the Netherlands Human Rights Network (“Brede Mensenrechten Overleg” or BMO), including the NHC, have launched a pledge for human rights. Through this pledge, the organisations ask Dutch political parties to make a promise during the elections, the formation and the coming term of office: a promise to stand up for human rights.

Human rights under pressure

Worldwide, human rights, democracy and the rule of law are under increasing pressure. Independent civil society organizations and human rights defenders – including journalists, lawyers, activists, underage human rights defenders and environmental defenders – increasingly face intimidation, persecution and violence. Compliance with international human rights obligations leaves much to be desired and the rule of law is under threat. Also in Europe and the Netherlands. This trend poses a threat to the international legal order, but also to goals related to the SDGs and the climate.

An active commitment to human rights worldwide is therefore essential.

Four points

In the pledge, political parties are asked to commit themselves to the following four issues:

  1. A cabinet-wide commitment to human rights
  2. Public position of the government against attacks on human rights defenders and civil society organizations
  3. Strengthening the human rights capacity and knowledge at the embassies
  4. Better compliance with human rights obligations – international and national

Curious which Dutch politicians have already signed the pledge?

Find out more (in Dutch):