
Romania Welcomed at European Penitentiary Training Academies Meeting

12 February 2019
Participants at the EPTA meeting at the NHC's office in The Hague.

This week, 6-7 February 2019, the NHC met in The Hague with its partners from the European Penitentiary Training Academies (EPTA) project. The project aims to establish a sustainable, professional and active EPTA network, which is able to tackle gaps in cross-border cooperation by stimulating participation and exchange of best practice within a wider network. This kind of European cooperation will support the national Correctional Training Academies in the process of applying the European Prison Rules.

Welcoming Romania to the EPTA, and looking forward:

Opening the meeting with a short address, Pepijn Gerrits, Executive Director of the NHC, took the opportunity to welcome Romania, the newest partner in the EPTA project. “Growing the network while focusing on its professionalization can contribute to its effectiveness and success,” said Gerrits.

Further to this, the meeting served as an opportunity for the project’s stakeholders to discuss the progress of the project, and more specifically the content of the 2019 Annual EPTA Conference.

Present at the meeting were representatives from the following organisations: Ecole Nationale d’Administration Penitenitaire (France), Irish Prison Service College, Swedish Prison and Probation Service, National School for Training of Prison Agents (Romania), Centralny Ośrodek Szkolenia Służby Więziennej (Poland) and Europris.

To find out more about the NHC’s EPTA project, click here.