First judges and prosecutors in Bosnia and Herzegovina to train colleagues in human trafficking issues
Within the project “Promoting a Victim Centred Approach in Trafficking Cases in Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina” nine judges and prosecutors were trained in Bosnia to become future trainers in trafficking in human beings issues.
On the 12th and 13th May 2016 the first training was given by the new trainers during the yearly prosecutors assemblee meeting in Bosnia and Herzegovina called “Compensation for Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings”. The location was the hotel “Garden City” in Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Two groups of in total 55 prosecutors and judges were trained by four colleague judges and prosecutors in the trafficking in human beings phenomenon and in particular about the victims legal right to financial compensation.

During the project more trainings will be given by the trained judges and prosecutors in order to enhance knowledge and skills of judges and prosecutors in trafficking cases in court. The trainings contribute to the ability to apply a victim centered approach in such cases by for example respecting the right to privacy and a recovery period. Or, in the case of children who have to provide a statement in court, creating the right conditions such as hearing children in a separate room and not during a public hearing. Overall, in the trainings respect for the rights of victims of trafficking and understanding their vulnerability are the central themes.
The next training opportunities will be during a regional prosecutors assemble meeting in Bosnia (late September). Then prosecutors from ex-Yugoslavia will gather 3 days for this yearly meeting where they will have formal and informal talks about their work as prosecutors. Furthermore, they will attend presentations by experts and they will receive trainings.
NHC will organize these trainings and expert meetings during the event which will host up to 160 prosecutors from the region.