
Information and discussion event “Belarus: Human Rights and Economy”

06 September 2013

Belarus: Human Rights and Economy
September 12, 2013
17:30 – 21:00
Keizersgracht 177
1016 DR Amsterdam
(Amnesty Netherlands)

“Belarus: Human Rights and Economy” will take place on September 12, 2013 in Amsterdam. The information and discussion event will address the human rights situation in Belarus and the economic sanctions and their effectiveness in light of the strong economic ties between Belarus and Europe, the Netherlands in particular. Belarussian labour conditions will also be discussed. The event will be attended by delegations from Belarus and Russia.

The human rights situation in Belarus will be addressed Zhanna Litvina, Chairperson of the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ), European Parliament Sakharov Prizewinner, and by Valiantsin Stefanovich, Vice-President of the Human Rights Center Viasna. Valiantsin Stefanovich will be representing the President of the Viasna, Ales Bialiatski, currently serving a 4,5 years term in a Belarussian work camp.

Human rights activists from outside Belarus will address the economic sanctions of the European Union and their effectiveness in light of the strong economic ties between Belarus and Europe, the Netherlands in particular. Yuri Dzhibladze and Olga Zakharova, members of the Committee on International Control over the Human Rights Situation in Belarus, will introduce their report “The EU Dilemma: What Kind of Dialogue with Belarus”.

Additionally, information on labour conditions in Belarus will be provided by Sacha Koulaeva, Head of the FIDH Eastern Europe and Central Asia Desk, and Lea Samain, FIDH Belarus Program officer.

The delegation of human rights defenders from inside and outside Belarus comes to the Netherlands for a two-day visit, organized by the Netherlands Helsinki Committee and FIDH. During this time they will visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Lower House of Parliament (Tweede Kamer). The 12 September event is hosted by Amnesty Netherlands as a follow-up to campaigning on behalf of Ales Bialiatski earlier this year.

To attend the event, please register with NHC project assistant Tim van der Maarel at: