
Lessons from a pandemic: how we continued our work in 2020

08 December 2020

In these unprecedented times, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee, in collaboration with our partners, has continued our work to build and secure justice and support human rights in the OSCE during a pandemic. Find out more:

Together with our Balkans Act Now project partners, we set up an online study visit to the National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings in the Netherlands.

Within the EPTA network, we organized a two-day online conference about “Tackling gaps in cross-border cooperation for Penitentiary Training Academies”.

The Matra Rule of Law Training Programme, designed to strengthen institutional capacity in the field of rule of law within government organisations in numerous countries, has fully moved online.

democratic governance pandemic

On the International Day of Democracy, the NHC joined people the world over in commemorating the long-standing efforts to create resilient democracies by securing the rule of law, safeguarding human rights and strengthening civil society in the OSCE area. As a member of the European Partnership for Democracy, the NHC has contributed to the publication of a paper on Imagined continuities: political scenarios after the COVID-19 pandemic’.