
Matra Rule of Law Training: Expanded and Extended to Armenia

23 November 2018

The NHC is pleased to announce the extension and expansion of the organisation’s Matra Rule of Law Training Programme. The programme, which was originally set to run in 2017 and 2018, has been officially extended to 2020. The trainings will also now be open to a wider audience as Armenia is to join ten other states as eligible to apply for the trainings.

The decision to include Armenia in the list of countries eligible to apply for Matra Rule of Law trainings was taken by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the programmes funder. Jos Douma, Ambassador of the Netherlands to Armenia and Georgia, explained the decision to expand the programme to Armenia and delivered a message of encouragement for the country’s civil servants, “Armenia’s transition has recently accelerated, inspired by recent political shifts and increased cooperation with the European Union. Inviting young and ambitious Armenian civil servants to participate in the Matra Rule of Law Training Programme clearly fits in this process and therefore I strongly encourage Armenian civil servants from all relevant fields to take the opportunity to apply and share – if accepted – their gains with their colleagues.”

Arabkir Church, Yerevan, Armenia photo c/o: Nasser Ansari

The Training Programme, led by NHC Programme Manager Roos Meertens, strengthens institutional capacity in the field of rule of law within the eleven target countries: Armenia, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey and the Ukraine.

Seven trainings a year introduce participants to best practices in a range of rule of law relates themes. Members of the judiciary, policy advisors and other civil servants working in the justice sector attend interactive sessions combining theory, practical skills and study visits in order to strengthen institutional and individual capacity.

As well as learning international best-practice and gaining expert advise, attendees also become part of a large transnational network of alumni, lecturers and relevant government departments in the Netherlands and the target countries. This network provides a platform for learning, exchange and collaboration and is an important part of the Matra Rule of Law Training Programme. The programme is designed and delivered by the NHC in partnership with The Hague Academy for Local Governance and the University of Leiden.

In 2018 seven trainings were successfully delivered on a wide range of topics and to over 250 attendees from target countries. The topics covered were:

  • Integrity of Civil Servants;
  • Administration of Justice;
  • Human Rights and Minorities;
  • Decentralisation and Citizen Participation;
  • Public Finance Management;
  • Public Procurement; and
  • Detention and Alternative Sanctions.

You can read more about the most recent Matra Rule of Law Training Programme, on Detention and Alternative Sanctions, here.

Applications for the 2019 trainings are already underway. You can find out more and apply here.