01 September 2022

European judges sue Council for disregarding EU Court’s judgement in unblocking Poland’s recovery fund

Applications Now Open for Matra Rule of Law Training: “Attitude for Change”

The NHC is now accepting applications for the online Matra Rule of Law Training: “Attitude for Change”, to be held 14 November – 18 December 2022.

Call for Ukrainian Security Experts | Constituency and Influence for Reform

The NHC is looking for qualified local experts in Ukraine to plan and conduct online trainings to CSOs on legal and digital security as a response to the challenges of the war in Ukraine.

“There is solidarity, even while scrolling through Tik Tok comments, between teenagers worldwide”: reflections about the war in Ukraine from Dutch youth

On this year’s International Youth Day, we share the thoughts and experience of Maryse, a Dutch high-school student and former volunteer at the NHC, about the events in Ukraine.

Event | The OSCE at the Turning Point: Impulses from Civil Society for Reshaping the Human Dimension

Join us on 18 July in Vienna for an event with civil society experts critically reflecting on the role of the OSCE in light of the war in Ukraine.

Facilitating change and justice reform in times of war in Ukraine

The NHC facilitated a closed roundtable discussion between the Vice Minister of Justice of Ukraine, Olena Vysotska, and Dutch and international donors and partners.

Pride 2022: Reflecting on state of LGBTIQ+ rights in our locations of action

Infographics on advances & setbacks of LGBTIQ+ rights in the region where we are involved, according to the Index developed by ILGA-Europe.

Enhancing Cooperation & Increasing Evaluation Between Penitentiary Training Academies: EPTA in 2022

As we kick-off the 15th EPTA Annual Conference in Barcelona, find out more about the conference and the Centre’s objectives for EPTA.

Call for Participation: Constituency and Influence for Reform

Find out more about our Call for Participation for trainings for Ukrainian CSOs involved in gender equality, anti-corruption and/or environmental protection.

Call to the European Commission for an EU Civil Society Strategy

More than 300 CSOs from across Europe sent a letter calling for a EU Civil Society Strategy in the European Commission 2023 Work Programme.