10 May 2022

Event | Moscow Mechanism report on Ukraine: Next steps for the OSCE – OSCE SHDM II PRE-EVENT

Improving the Social Climate of Kosovo’s Juvenile Centers

Read more about the Social Climate Tool created by Rita Selimi to assess the needs of young people in prison.

Event | Stop Putin at the source: Q&A with Bill Browder, anti-corruption expert

Register for our event on May 12: Stop Putin at the source: Q&A with Bill Browder, anti-corruption expert.

Democracy, Human Rights, and the fundamental underpinnings of the Rule of Law: NHC 2021 Annual Report

Learn more about the projects and activities that the NHC developed throughout 2021.

Recap | Systemic Backsliding of the Rule of Law in Hungary: What (more) can the EU do?

On April 19 2022 the NHC hosted an event with 4 distinct Hungarian academics presenting a comprehensive analysis of Hungary's Rule of Law backsliding.

Systematic backsliding of the Rule of Law in Hungary – Overview of the scholarly papers

The EU is harboring a Member State which does not comply with the preconditions for a constitutional democracy anymore. Ignoring this reality has dire consequences for all European citizens alike.

Turkey: Illegitimate life-long imprisonment of Turkish human rights activist, Osman Kavala

Read more on Turkey's move to sentence Osman Kavala, Turkish human rights defender and philanthropist with a life-long prison sentence.

Systemic backsliding of the Rule of Law in Hungary: State Control

Find out how the systematic backsliding of the Rule of Law in Hungary has turned Hungary into a hybrid regime with unprecedented state control over academia, civil society and the media.

Systematic backsliding of the Rule of Law in Hungary: Rule by Law

Find out how the systematic backsliding of the Rule of Law in Hungary has chipped away at EU values, turning Hungary into a hybrid regime based on Rule by Law .

Systematic backsliding of the Rule of Law in Hungary explored through academic research

Introducing a series of academic papers mapping the methods and tactics used in the systemic backsliding of the rule of law in Hungary.