20 July 2021

Concerns about access to the legal profession and increasing disbarments of lawyers in Turkey

No business as usual possible with the Lukashenko regime: International community should immediately and strongly react to a new massive wave of repression against civil society in Belarus

Statement by the Civic Solidarity Platform

Rule of Law Backsliding in the European Union

The NHC organised a Q&A with Hungarian scholars surrounding Rule of Law backsliding in Europe and what lessons we can take.

Bring Human Rights Home: A Story from Russia

This story from Russia is part of the international #BringHumanRightsHome campaign. Follow these stories & stand up for human rights in your own communities.

Bring Human Rights Home: Conversations on Human Rights and Why they Matter

Find out more about the launch of our Bring Human Rights Home campaign & the stories of ordinary people who stood up for their rights.

Bring Human Rights Home: A Story from Azerbaijan

This story from Azerbaijan is part of the international #BringHumanRightsHome campaign. Follow these stories & stand up for human rights in your own communities.

Dutch civil society and importance of collaboration: Directors of Human Rights Space organisations meet with Michael O’Flaherty, Director of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights

On 23 June 2021, the Executive Directors of J&P, HSC, and the NHC, met with Michael O’Flaherty for a fruitful discussion on the state of the Dutch civil society.

Bring Human Rights Home: A Story From Kazakhstan

This story from Kazakhstan is part of the international #BringHumanRightsHome campaign. Follow these stories & stand up for human rights in your own communities.

Resilience and Dedication: The Matra Rule of Law Training Alumni Event 2021

On the 1st of June NHC co-hosted an Alumni Event for participants of the 2019 Matra Rule of Law trainings. Specifically, Public Finance Management, Public Procurement, Detention and Alternative Sanctions and Decentralisation and Citizen Participation participants.

Q&A with Hungarian scholars: What should have been tackled within and beyond Article 7

On 24 June 2021, we will be hosting an event reflecting upon the discussion on the Rule of Law at the EU's General Affairs Council Meeting.