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31 March 2021

Official launch of police brochure in Albania on policing discrimination and hate crimes against LGBTI persons

NHC and EPTA Special Interest Groups release training manuals

EPTA has released a series of Special Interest Group Training Manuals for its members, the trainings are accompanied by interactive events.

Tackling Russian elite’s corruption

Is it mission impossible? Find out more in this report by the Expert Group on Transborder Corruption, in cooperation with the NHC.

NHC restarted penitentiary staff training in North Macedonia

The NHC held the first of five online trainings for the staff at the newly opened Tetovo institute for detained Juveniles in North Macadonia.

Defending Human Rights in Ukraine: First Annual Monitoring Report 2020

The first annual report by ZMINA Human Rights Centre and the NHC on Ukranian Human Rights Defenders and Civil Society Activists.

CSOs call for the immediate operationalisation of the Human Rights Council’s new mandate on Belarus

Read the full statement signed by 64 Belarusian and international human rights organisations.

Human Rights Defenders in Ukraine: A Series of Stories and Struggles

Learn about the stories and struggles of Human Rights Defenders in Ukraine and the work that the NHC and ZMINA are doing to support them.

Turkey: Stop Judicial Harassment of “Saturday Mothers / People”

Human Rights NGOs call on the Turkish authorities to unconditionally drop all charges against the Saturday Mothers on Right to Truth day.

Reflections on International Women’s Day 2021 webinar: Women Who Lead

NHC's coverage of the International Womens Day 2021 event with talks from four inspiring Women Who Lead from across the globe.

Dutch NGOs ask politicians to stand up for human rights

Members of the Netherlands Human Rights Network have launched a pledge for human rights, asking Dutch political parties to make a promise: to stand up for human rights.