18 March 2020
NHC Contributes to UN Human Rights Committee’s Discussion on the Right to Peaceful Assembly
ANNOUNCEMENT: The NHC Temporary Procedures in Response to COVID-19 Corona Virus
17 March 2020
Announcement on NHC procedures in response to COVID-19 corona virus.5 Years of Probation Ukraine: How Has It Contributed to Safer Societies?
11 March 2020
5 years after introducing a probation system in Ukraine, Probation in Ukraine together with the NHC and the CILC celebrated this anniversary with an open forum to look back on its first successes Applications Now Open for Matra RoLT Training: “Public Finance Management”
19 February 2020
Applications for Matra Rule of Law Public Finance Management training are now open. The deadline for submitting applications is 5 April 2020.Defending Human Rights in Turkey: Gönül Öztürkoğlu
04 February 2020
Gönül Öztürkoğlu, a human rights defender and peace activist, shares her story on defending human rights in Turkey and the retributions she faced.Probation and Capacity Building in Europe: an Interview with Leading Probation Expert Anton van Kalmthout
23 January 2020
Interview with Probation Expert Anton van Kalmthout shares his views probation and alternative sanctions, and penal reform in Europe.Slovakia Takes Up EPTA Leadership to Work Towards Better Prisons
07 January 2020
Meetings at the end of last year saw Slovakia take over leadership of the European Penitentiary Training Academies, a network that aims to improve cooperation amongst penitentiary training academies. Russia’s Continuation in the Council of Europe: Challenges and Chances for Human Rights
23 December 2019
Government and civil society representatives discuss the opportunities and risks of Russia's continued membership in the Council of Europe.