16 November 2018
Civil Society Leaders Detained in Turkey: Call to Action
Director Generals of Prison Administration from Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia Meet in The Hague for Juvenile Detention Reform
15 November 2018
NHC hosts a meeting of Prison Director Generals from Albania, Kosovo, and Macedonia in The Hague to discuss Juvenile Detention Reform. ‘My Human Rights Hero’: An exhibition celebrating the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
12 November 2018
The 'My Human Rights Hero' Exhibition opens on 20 November 2018, it celebrates 70 years since the signing of the Universal Deceleration of Human Rights. Final Matra Rule of Law Training Programme of 2018 on Detention and Alternative Sanctions
16 October 2018
In October 2018 the final Matra ROLT programme of the year took place. For the first time the topic of Detention and Alternative Sanctions was presented to participants.Viktoria Marinova, the Latest Victim of Escalating Violence Against Journalists in the EU
11 October 2018
The murders of investigative journalist Viktoria Marinova, Daphe Caruana Galizia, and Ján Kuciak demonstrate the worrying trend escalating violence against journalists in the EU. Debating Rule of Law in Hungary: Civil Society vs. Government Perspective
09 October 2018
Márta Pardavi, Co-chair of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee (HHC), and András Kocsis, Ambassador of Hungary to the Netherlands debate the rule of law. NHC Event at The Hague International Open Day
01 October 2018
Justice and Peace, NHC, and Human Security Collective hosts a public event during The Hague International Open Day. Attendees learned about the work of all three organizations. Three new appointees to the NHC Supervisory Board announced
25 September 2018
The NHC has appointed three new Supervisory Board members: Ton van den Brandt, Anne Maljers and Eric Rijnders.