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15 August 2018

New Editor in Chief and Call for Articles for the Security and Human Rights Monitor

The “H” in NHC: Anniversary of the Helsinki Accords

Brief background on the Helsinki Accords and its connection to the NHC.

NHC Partner Ivana Radović Awarded for Combating Human Trafficking Work

Ivana Radović of ASTRA awarded TIP Hero award in recognition of her contributions to strengthening Serbia’s anti-trafficking processes.

NHC Receives Quality Management System Certification

NHC receives ISO 9001:2015 Certification, an internationally recognized Quality Management System Certification.

Deliverables of the EU Eastern Partnership

Lawrence Meredith of DG NEAR visited the Hague to discuss the progress of the EU Eastern Partnership with civil society and government representatives.

Network Development Contributing to Rule of Law in the Matra RoLT Programme

At the end of the Decentralisation and Citizen Participation and Public Finance Management trainings, participants were asked about their experience and perceived benefits of the programme.

Release Ukrainian Filmmaker Oleg Sentsov: EU-Russia CSF Statement

Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov arrested on terrorism charges after protesting the annexation of Crimea. IGO's, INGO's, film and sport industry individuals have called for his release.

Applications Now Open for Matra RoLT Training: “Detention and Alternative Sanctions”

The NHC is now accepting applications for the Matra Rule of Law Training Programmes: “Detention and Alternative Sanctions”, to be held 4 – 11 October 2018.

Supporting Restorative Justice in Moldova: Probation, Enforcement, and Rehabilitation

A study visit in the Netherlands took place as part of an on-going effort to improve the probation system in Moldova, contributing to a strengthened legal system and rule of law.

Albanian Law Enforcement Working Towards Countering LGBTI Discrimination

Albanian law enforcement representatives visit the Netherlands to learn about countering LGBTI discrimination before the project launch in Tirana.