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14 March 2018

OSCE Secretary General Commends NHC at its 30th Anniversary

Interview with Arie Bloed

As the NHC celebrates its 30th anniversary, Ian de Jong looks back with the NHC co-founder Arie Bloed on the past 30 years, the achievements of the NHC and the challenges it faced.

Identifying What Works in Probation Capacity Building

The NHC organised a workshop on capacity building in the probation sector on the 14th of February 2018.

Statement of Solidarity with Hungarian Human Rights Defenders and Civil Society

The NHC stands in solidarity with civil society and human rights defenders in Hungary under threat by proposed legislation.

NHC Joins the Legal Experts Advisory Panel (LEAP)

The NHC is pleased to announce its membership of the Legal Experts Advisory Panel (LEAP).

Applications Now Open for two Matra RoLT Trainings: “Public Finance Management” and “Decentralization and Citizen Participation”

The NHC is now accepting applications for two Matra Rule of Law Training Programmes: "Public Finance Management" and "Decentralization and Citizen Participation".

Case Studies on Transborder Corruption

The ‘Expert Group on Fighting Transborder Corruption’ of the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum (CSF) has released a new publication on fighting corruption.

NHC Will Attend a Conference on Capacity Building in the Justice and Security Sector

The NHC is involved in the upcoming conference ´Making a difference, working together for sustainable capacity building in the justice and security sector´ taking place on the 14th of February.

Reflecting on the First Year of the Matra RoLT Programme

Now that the first year has been concluded and new trainings are forthcoming in March, the NHC takes the opportunity to reflect on the past year.

Publication of the Handbook on Probation Service in Montenegro

The NHC is proud to announce the publication of the ‘Handbook on Probation Service in Montenegro'.