10 November 2017

In Memoriam Coen Stork

Open Letter to Heads of EU Member States ahead of Aliyev’s Brussels Visit

We urge you to use any opportunity you will have during the summit to call on president Aliyev to end the human rights crackdown and commit to concrete and sustainable human rights reforms.

Stop Persecution of Anti-Corruption Activists: Open Letter to the Ukrainian Authorities

We are concerned about harassment and persecution of anti-corruption activists in Ukraine, including restrictive legislation, criminal investigations, smear campaigns and physical attacks.

Applications Now Open for Two Matra RoLT Trainings: “Integrity of Civil Servants” and “The Administration of Justice”

The NHC is accepting applications for the first two Matra Rule of Law Training Programmes of 2018: “Integrity of Civil Servants” and “The administration of justice”.

Presentation of the Security and Human Rights Journal – Special Issue on OSCE Mediation

The Security and Human Rights Journal is proud to present its latest special edition on OSCE Mediation.

New Matra Project on Probation and Alternative Sanctions in Ukraine

The new project targets the Kiev region and seeks to build capacity in the Ukrainian probation service, the prison administration and the prosecution service and the courts.

Reflecting on the finished Matra RoLT Programme ‘Human Rights & Minorities’

Now that the MatraRoLT programme 'Human Rights and Minorities' has finished a lecturer and two participants are reflecting on the training programme.

Extended Deadline Matra RoLT Training: “Public Finance Management”

The NHC has extended the deadline for the next Matra Rule of Law Training Programme: “Public Finance Management” (to be held 8 – 17 November).

NHC Joins the Call for a Referendum on the Dutch Law on Intelligence and Security Services

The NHC is particularly concerned about data sharing with foreign intelligence services and the impact it might have on partner human rights groups operating in repressive states.

The Completion of the Project on the “Promotion of Victim-Centred Approach in Trafficking Cases in Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina”

Interview with human rights consultant Marjan Wijers on the completion of the “Promotion of Victim-Centred Approach in Trafficking Cases in Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina” project.