21 December 2016
Communication training for the Probation Service in Montenegro
NGOs Urge the World Bank to Postpone Discussion on TANAP
19 December 2016
We are very concerned that the World Bank decided to schedule the discussion on TANAP for December 20th, in a context of political crisis and crackdown on civil society and media in Turkey and Azerbaijan.Successful First ‘Anti-Trafficking’ Lawyers Network Meeting Organized by the Council of Europe and the Netherlands Helsinki Committee
14 December 2016
On November 22nd and 23rd, 2016, the Council of Europe and the Netherlands Helsinki Committee organised a meeting of lawyers and NGOs providing legal assistance to victims of trafficking in human beings.Civil Society Recommendations Receive Prominent Attention in Hamburg
13 December 2016
The NHC took part in the annual Parallel Civil Society Conference in Hamburg, organised by the Civic Solidarity Platform (CSP).Interview with Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier
13 December 2016
The Security and Human Rights Monitor interviewed Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who discussed a few of the topics that were addressed at the OSCE Ministerial Council meeting.NHC Organises Anti-trafficking Workshop at IX Symposium for Prosecutors in Bosnia and Herzegovina
07 December 2016
Judges, prosecutors, and civil society organizations participated in a two-day workshop about trafficking in human beings.Azerbaijan – Stop Crackdown on Freedom of Expression
06 December 2016
The Sports for Rights coalition calls on the Azerbaijani authorities to cease the politically-motivated prosecution and torture of journalists.Report and handbook from ASTRA: anti-trafficking laws and policies in Serbia
05 December 2016
On December 2, International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, Anti Trafficking Action – Serbia (ASTRA) presents a report and handbook on human trafficking in Serbia.Magyar Helsinki Bizottság v. Hungary
29 November 2016
On November 8, 2016, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human rights ruled that Hungary has violated the Hungarian Helsinki Committee’s (HHC) right to freedom of information and expression.Human Rights Defender Bokayev and Activist Ayanov Sentenced to Five Years Prison
28 November 2016
The Netherlands Helsinki Committee and the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights denounce the hefty sentence to the human rights activists following a trial that did not live up to the internationally accepted standards of justice.